
Clinical Results

Clinical Results

Clinical Results

Di Gioia Dental Practice is a symbol of competence, safety and well-being.

In over 50 years of history we have brilliantly treated thousands of patients, solving different clinical cases in different disciplines and degree of complexity.

In this section we present the clinical results that we believe can best tell about our professionalism and care for the patient.

St. Di Gioia - Copertina Faccette
Dental Aesthetics – Application of Dental Veneers
St. Di Gioia - Copertina Implantologia
Implantology and Aesthetic Reconstruction – Incisor replacement and restoration of fractured teeth
St. Di Gioia - Caso Clinico Rosa Parodontologia
Periodontology – Specialized periodontal tissue care therapy
Parodontologia - (d) Confronto Prima e Dopo Terapia (Orizzontale)
Periodontology – Treating degeneration of periodontal tissues (Periodontitis)
St. Di Gioia - Copertina Igiene
Oral Hygiene – Dental Cleaning Intervention
elaborazione computerizzata okk
Osseointegrated implantology – Computerized planning and assisted surgery
Osseointegrated implantology – Replacement after tooth extraction
implantologia multipla dopo
Osseointegrated implantology and immediate prosthesis – Replacement of old prostheses
St. Di Gioia - Intervento Multidisciplinare - Terapia ortodontica e chirurgica per eliminare denti da latte persistenti e permetter sviluppo corretto della dentizione
Multidisciplinary intervention – Orthodontic and surgical therapy
trattamento multidisciplinare ortodonzia_implantologia_protesi rx okk
Multidisciplinary intervention – Orthodontic, implant therapy and prosthetic fabrication
St. Di Gioia - Ortodonzia con mascherine trasparenti
Orthodontics – Tooth alignment with clear templates
Pedodonzia - Ricostruzione dente fratturato
Pedodontics – Fractured tooth reconstruction
dente mancante sostituzione ponte su intarsi
Conservative and reconstructive therapy – Dental reconstruction with “bridge”