
Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers

St. Di Gioia - Faccette Dentali Macro 2
St. Di Gioia - Faccette Dentali serie 3

What are Dental Veneers?

Dental Veneers are very thin ceramic plates that are placed on the external face of the tooth during a Dental Aesthetic procedure.

The functions of dental veneers are mainly two:

Improving the aesthetics of the smile, making the shape of the teeth more harmonious and giving the smile a whiter and more attractive colour. Through the application of dental veneers it is possible to perform dental whitening procedures, eliminate morphological alterations and correct position defects.

Protect the outer surface of the tooth by preventing damage and restoring cracks.

Through the application of dental veneers you can preserve a tooth that has enamel anomalies (its outermost barrier), rebuild a damaged dental element, replace old restorations.

Due to their characteristics, dental veneers are “invisible” dental prostheses, because they have a natural appearance that makes the smile harmonious without giving the impression that there is something artificial.

Application of Dental Veneers

The procedure for applying dental veneers is very simple and can be summarized in 5 phases:

The shape and size of the teeth are designed to appear natural and well integrated with the face;

The tooth is prepared for the application of the veneer;

The dental impression is taken to create the veneer;

Aesthetic tests are carried out to give the patient the best possible result; The veneer is cemented and the tooth is treated in order to aesthetically refine the work done.

It is important to underline that the veneer application procedure is painless: you can enjoy your new smile without worries.

St. Di Gioia - Applicazione Faccette 4