
Mucogingival Surgery

Mucogingival Surgery

Mucogingival Surgery

St. Di Gioia - Chirurgia Mucogengivale Intervento 2

What is Mucogingival Oral Surgery?

Mucogingival Surgery is an oral surgery procedure used to restore the tissues of the gingiva and mucosa in correspondence with dental and implant elements.

In particular, surgery is necessary to prevent and correct anatomical defects, counteract degenerative processes and promote gingival regeneration. Usually, mucogingival oral surgery is associated with interventions that serve to counteract the gingival recession, with the aim of coverage dental roots.

Stop receding gum

Surgical interventions are generally performed to interrupt gingival recession processes, which are responsible for the weakening of the tooth: gingival recession exposes the root of the dental elements, causing dental hypersensitivity, favoring the onset of caries, and increasing dental mobility. So the gingival recession consists of an anatomical alteration of the gum, which retracts revealing the most sensitive structures of the teeth. Mucogingival surgery interrupts the process of gingival recession and intervenes on the imperfections caused by this process.

Mucogingival surgery is necessary when it is impossible to solve these problems by adopting conservative procedures such as oral hygiene.

St. Di Gioia - Chirurgia Mucogengivale Prima e Dopo 3